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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday dear Gracie!

G#3 is five today!

The older I get, the faster time zooms by! Remember when a month felt like an eternity? Now, if something only takes a year, I worry about it coming too soon and not being ready! I guess it's because we measure our time by our experiences. Time is relative.

Comparing Gracie's five years to my fifty-plus, it is but a drop in the bucket. I know it won't be long until I am watching her exchange her wedding vows or graduated from college! Is that why we put so much more importance on pictures and videos as we get older? Does the moment pass without enough savoring time?

Gracie, today I will ponder over the special moments of the last five years and celebrate the glorious wonder you put into my life...

Love, Nana


Ziggy Stardust said...

What a beautiful picture and Happy Birthday to Gracie!


Rae said...

Such a sweet little girl. Yes those years really do fly. Tuck those memories in and hold tight.

SquirrelQueen said...

She is so beautiful, what a sweet little smile. Enjoy every moment.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Lovely baby, belated happy birthday to you Gracie..

and Thank you for dropping by my blog Lily... I really appreciate it.
