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Thursday, June 18, 2009

320 Pounds of Concrete!

The local weatherman has been having fun with me. I'm starting to get annoyed! He keeps telling me that storms are coming. I've been wanting to get the stones finished and move on to the next step of my project.

Ali and I went to Lowe's today and bought four eighty-pound bags of concrete mix, hoping to be able to use it someday soon. After dinner it still hadn't rained. I got online and checked the forecast... A slight chance for spotty light showers. I'll take the gamble!

Hubby is still on restrictions, but he offered to mix and shovel. Ali helped me get the heavy bags out of my car and into the wheel barrow. (Did I mention the project area is at the opposite end of the house as the driveway? And since it's rained a lot we can't drive around to it!)

We each had our job. Papaw shoveled the concrete a little at a time. I was on my knees with a small garden shovel, filling in the gaps, cracks, holes, etc. Ali used a bucket to carry the crushed brick down and smashed a layer of it into the wet concrete. It took all four bags to finish this part of the job. I still have some stones edging the other side of the patio that need mortared, but it will have to wait.

We've made it this far! Yea! Next comes the plants for the other side and staining the rest of the wood... But that will be a few days. I've promised Ali that, come hell or high water, the cover comes off the pool tomorrow! How does it look so far? The big dark spot is just some very wet mulch that was left in the other wheel barrow.
And remember the new wood steps? Makes a great spot to sit and sample the chives...


SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, you've come a long way, it is looking so good.
Glad the weather cooperated, mother nature can be a real pain sometimes.
Take the cover off the pool and enjoy.

chicamom85 said...

It is coming along great! Go swimming and take Sadie.


Jase said...

blimey, it really looks fantastic. Well done.

chicamom85 said...

Thank you so much for letting me know my blogs are back! I went in and did something and I am so happy that it worked.


AmberRose said...

Wow...It looks beautiful. I myself and starting on all kinds of projects in the back/front yard of our new home...This deffinatly gives me inspiration. And that concrete thing is a mess, I would know. My hubby works as a pre-cast & pre-stress supervisor at the concrete company here in town...not to mention he also is supervisor and drives the concrete trucks 5 out of 6 days of the week. haha. Anyway, it looks amazing, keep up the good work!

Lady Katherine said...

Wow, it is looking great! When you get through come to my house I want a path so bad!! Keep up the good work! I love my old house just wish it would get finished sooner, but I guess it will be going on for a long time!

charmine. said...

GREAT job but Ali looks beat.Go swim in the pool.

~*Jessica*~ said...

the steps are really comming along. Good work!