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Monday, June 29, 2009

Chick Update Part II

I'm having some problems uploading video, so I had to go back and make this one a two-parter.

Today was graduation day for the chicks. Hubby decided they were now big enough to venture into the big outside world. Problem is, chickens get used to one thing and don't want to change. Hubby opened up their access door and they all took turns looking out! One rooster sat with his feet on the edge of the door, but that's as far as he dared escape! Maybe tomorrow...


AL said...

Just checking . . .clearing the area. . .okay time to stretch those wings and start pecking the ground LOL


TC said...

They will come out eventually, I think? Maybe you could feed them outside?

Lille Diane said...

Lawd... How'd you get that pic of me on the left????

I must be part chicken cuz I get used to things being a certain way, too.

chicamom85 said...

I bet Sadie could chase them out lol.


Rae said...

Chickens really are not very smart are they? I always heard cows were the stupidest animal on the farm... looking at this I think there may be some competition for that top spot.

SquirrelQueen said...

That's a big scary looking world out there, makes the coop look so safe and secure. I love the videos, that poor rooster is just not sure.

My internet was down last night and still tweeky this am, I am so behind on my reading.


Nancy said...

Nope, too scary. I like it in here where it's safe and I know what it's all about...

Jase said...

when I read the title I thought it was going to be about make-up and girl stuff.
Are they dinners or egg machines?

Lily Robinson said...

I was gone most of the day today, so I don't know if they've made it into the big world...

They are mostly egg machines until we learn the right way to cook them. Two down and neither worth a mention! Would you like white tire or dark?

And Sasha... Don't you be teaching Sadie bad habits! She gets in enough trouble on her own!