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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If God answered every prayer...

Yesterday morning I was reading through some paperwork I got from a seminar on improving your prayer life. (It was taught by one of the best prayer warriors I have ever known.) Somewhere in the midst of all the pages was this line: If God chose one day to answer all your prayers, how much of the world would be changed?

This sentence is still stuck in my head and it spoke volumes to me. As much as I believe in the power of prayer, I don't pray like I wish I did. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been at that seminar! I know some days my prayers concentrate on particular subjects. There are a couple of situations that I do pray for daily. The sentence doesn't warn me that God might pick a day I prayed for something else. No, to me, it speaks more of the lack of faithful prayer. I try to organize my prayer list (I have it on a database) so that I don't forget things. But I don't always make the effort to open the list. And even if I did...

I have lots of people on my prayer list. Some have lost a parent in the household, some a child, some need Jesus, some have serious health or emotional issues, etc. I also have groups on my list; I pray for our missionaries, our government, our soldiers. I am semi-faithful in my prayers for these people. But what I see lacking more than my prayer 'attendance record' are prayers that would really make a huge global impact. I don't often enough include the 'biggies' in my requests.

What if I, along with thousands of others, prayed daily for starving refugees, for peace in war-torn areas, for an end to ethnic cleansing, for an answer to climate change...

What if God decided to answer all the prayers you prayed in the past month... in the past year?

1 comment:

Rae said...

I love this post. I think we forget the global picture when praying. I'm guilty too but I hope if I could have all my prayers answered for one day that on the next sunrise the world would be less chaotic, happier, and more compassionate.