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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Cris, you wanted to know if they provided an answer...

Could it be that they were 'egged on' by their feathered friends?

Perhaps a better question is...

...why didn't the chickens cross the road?
Should I tell them the car is parked?
Do we need a chicken crossing light?

Sadie doesn't seem to care about the hens running loose.  They're starting to ignore her, too.  And yes, DJan, these are the same chickens that wouldn't go out the door!

As for who cut the hole in the fence?  Mr J himself.  (Lille, he says the J stands for Jenius,too!)  The chickens have scratched their area so much that a lot of the grass is gone.  Even though they walk around in their own poop, it seems chickens do not like mud!  We let them out to give them plenty of roaming space.  They return to their coop at night, like always.

Mr J was worried about Sadie and the cats...  What would they do to his chickens?  I laughed!  "Don't you mean, what will the chickens do to Sadie and the cats?"   Sadie does occasionally leap just to make them scatter.  She does that to the cats sometimes too.  She thinks it's funny.

The cats...  Well, the chickens aren't small anymore.  Benji is our best hunter.  She's responsible for the headless bunnies that show up in the barn.  We watched her sneak up on a couple of the hens yesterday.  She got within three feet of them...  They let out a squawk and flapped their wings at her.  She shot off into the woods!  I have a video of Squeaky walking up the lane as a hen is walking down.  They passed each other without turning their heads! 

I guess there's enough room for all.  Maybe we should all learn a lesson from them.  And the lion shall lie down with the lamb.


Rae said...

That is a great story. I wondered how the chickens would get along with the other animals. Sounds like they won the face off. Love the photos. The chickens have really gotten big.

CrazyCris said...


Well, now we know! ;o)

AL said...

Well good thing chicken were not stolen there when on the loose. Don't dare to let them out here, or they'll end up chicken soup for dinner. Ha ha!

SquirrelQueen said...

It's good to hear they are all getting along. I have this picture of the cat stalking a hen only to be confronted with flapping wings and squawking. Have you seen Benji lately or is she in the next county? LOL.

chicamom85 said...

The "headless bunny"? Does he ride on a horse like in that Halloween story? Sadie (giggle) I can't help laughing thinking of you scaring the cats and chickens for fun. Good job, you gotta have fun sometimes or its just all work and no play.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

gaelikaa said...

Farmyard life! Sounds hectic, Lily!
See you again!


DJan said...

Lily, it just goes to show you that even the most scared little peepers can grow up to be adventurers! Thanks for the great story, and keep 'em comin'!

BarbiePhobia said...

Absolutely adorable... the chickens are just too darn kewt! ^-^ Thanks for sharing!

Nancy said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. We can all learn a lesson, indeed. They all look very happy wandering on their own. I sure wish I had some of your eggs!

Wendy Blum said...

I know you said you don't have time for more awards and that's ok. But I have read your blog(s)and have liked what I've read thus far. So, I did give you an award all the same. You don't have to respond because I know you're busy. Just wanted to stop by and let you know =)

Lynn said...

I don't know how I missed so many of your posts...I guess I was painting the bathroom and making the fused glass tiles for the backsplash.

However, around our place, chickens would be in great danger. Luc and Maggie think anything that moves is fair game. A chicken might put the "fear of chicken" in Luc, but since Maggie will grab a skunk to slam it to the ground, well, a chicken can't do too much harm to her.

In fact, my DIL trains dogs and has worked dogs in films. She wanted Maggie for a movie. On the first day of her debute the movie people decided to let some chickens out and asked her what she thought the dogs might do. She said that was not in the deal and had no idea. I had not told her about Maggie and skunks. They let the chickens out, Maggie grabbed two, and her movie career was over. lol