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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Poor, poor hen...

Now I know why I hear so much squawking!


DJan said...

This is a joke, right? That's really a GOOSE egg, isn't it? No clucky HEN could have laid that... could it? Lily, 'fess up.

Ekanthapadhikan said...

I didn't quite get that? Did a geese get into your farm and had her eggs among the hens?

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my, that had to hurt. I do hope the goose got into the hen house and did that one.
What's the scoop?

AL said...



Lily Robinson said...

No goose... just twins. I think I've only ever had one double-yolk egg from the grocery store; but our hens lay them quite often! They're usually not quite THIS big though! I think this egg was a record breaker for us. It was a double-yolk and it was also delicious!

Naqvee said...

Lily I can't stop laughing when i saw this, but that world have hurt.. what made the egg grow so big?

Rae said...

Poor old thing. Geez what a delivery.