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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Living with Mr J and the Chickens!

I just have to share this story with you...

Many of you know that last week Lille Diane stopped by our farm to visit on her way home from KY.  While she was in KY, we e-mailed a bit back and forth making plans for her visit.  At one point she mentioned Superman...

Later, in a conversation with Hubby, I mentioned that Superman had a really cool name!  It made Hubby sound so ordinary.  I suggested that we should find an exciting name for Hubby, to which he responded, "How about 'The Jerk'?"  We looked at each other and started LOBO!    Yeah, The Jerk is right up there with Superman!  It amazes me how his mind works.

I told Lille about it and we shared a laugh.  So when she finally made it to the farm, we had fun calling Hubby The Jerk.  Since then, it has come up a few times in our e-mails.  Today, Lille gave me a message to pass on to Mr. J.  I kinda like that one!

So, if you happen to read a future post that mentions Mr. J, you'll know right away...

... who I'm talkin' 'bout!

Well, since I'm here, I might as well share a bit o' chicken farming life with y'all...
Last week, when I was snapping all the potential shots  for the 'chicken wall', I shot a few inside the main chicken house.  Hubby has done a little redecorating in there...

These roosts were here before, but I just like them.
They are recycled from an old swing/play set.

I didn't notice her until I turned to leave.  Hope we didn't disturb her.  The recycled milk crates make great nests.

So do five-gallon buckets!  Hubby is experimenting with different ways to keep the nests cleaner.  The bucket keeps other chickens from roosting above the nesting material.  They tend to roost on the sides of the milk crates.  Not good...

Another design idea to keep them from roosting above the nests.

The chickens still aren't in full production.  We hope to soon get around four dozen a day.  Here is today's round-up so far...

Do you see why Lille Diane called them rainbow eggs?


DJan said...

Wonderful egg pictures, Lily. Yes, they are definitely rainbow eggs. And I guess I need to know why your hubby would like to be called "The Jerk" because it's a mystery to one who has never seen the movie... he's a good looking (older) man!

Ekanthapadhikan said...

Your hubby is a good sport and I can really really see why they were called rainbow eggs. It's been ages I've seen eggs looking so 'real' and 'authentic'. We buy broiler eggs that look all the same in size and colour. The eggs from poultry like yours are difficult to find in our country and are expensive too!

Maggie May said...

What a charming set of eggs!

Lille Diane said...

I just saw this!!!! Love it! I'm so happy I met you and Mr. J. Can't wait to see you again in May. Love you so much, sis.