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Friday, October 16, 2009

I Found Love on the Internet

I have made many new friends here in Blogville.  There are a few that seem as though we've known each other for years!  Lille Diane is one of those friends.  I adore her.  During my summer-long illness, she was one of my main supporters.  Lille was always telling me to hang in there.  She offered prayers and well wishes on a regular basis.   And, thanks to her river dance period, my spirits were lifted more than once with her antics!  (Her followers will get it.)

I'm happy to announce the Lille Diane is exactly the same in person as she is in her blog.  I was delighted to get to spend time with her today!  She had gone to KY to visit family and promised to stop by the farm on her way home.  She flew in this afternoon clinging to Superman's cape.  (Opie Taylor did not drive her here.)

We laughed and hugged and laughed some more.

I'm sorry, but I don't have a picture of Superman to show you.   He was traveling under his alias, and I don't want to give away his secret identity.

We really tried to be serious, but it was just too hard!

We're already planning on getting together again.  After all...

...one can never have too much fun!


Ekanthapadhikan said...

It's always good to have people around who can create such fun in your life. Say my "Hi' to Lille Diane.

Historical sites with charmine said...

Lily,I'm sorry that I haven't been around much.Thank you for your lovely comments and yes,I'd be delighted to take you shopping.

What a nice friend you've made in blogland!Great to hear the two of you had such fun.I think of you as a friend too but you live so faaaaarr away,what a pity!

Hope you publish your book soon,then we can shop till we drop.(LOL)Enjoy our weekend.

Lille Diane said...

OHHHHHHHH this is so sweet!!! You are even more precious in person. I wish our time could have been longer to be together, but you know what that means..... Our hearts were correct in knowing a good, true friend when we found one even on the internet! [Rae, we so wished you were here right smack dab in the middle of us!!!! That was the only thing that was missing from a perfect afternoon, and evening.]

I'll cherish yesterday forever! Oh and all the animals are even more beautiful in person, too! I smooched the goats, the horses, Sadie and the cats. I would have smooched the chickens, too, if I could have. I'll be posting my trip ASAP complete with pics too.

Peeps should know Lily's farm is all that AND a carton of rainbow colored eggs!!!! The farm is beyond charming, and so is her home. Decorated Lily perfect!!! I met her sweet hubby, the FIL and MIL (awesome people!!!) Lily and The Jerk (Lily will tell you this is a compliment!!!!!) sent me home with green beans, zucchini, corn of the cob, sweet potatoes, rainbow colored eggs, and the most adorable ball cap ever! I am so blessed! Thank you for such warm hospitality! Superman and I both thank you for welcoming us home~

SquirrelQueen said...

I think it is great the two of you finally got to meet. The photos tell the story, you look like you have known each other forever.

Hugs to you both,