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Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2009

In Honor of the Occasion...

...I'll show you my boobees!

I didn't realize that yesterday's post was my 318th!  Well, my 100th for this blog, but I've posted 318 if you count all three blogs together.  If I had noticed, I probably would have shared some sage advice with you.  Instead, I marked my milestone by passing along a cute e-mail...  How magnificent!

Anyway, it's over.  There's nothing I can do about it now.  I'll just have to celebrate my 101st post.  So, as promised, here they are...

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Special Award

First, let me say I am honored. Naqvee at When Almighty Desires presented me with the One Lovely Blog Award.

Second, I am ashamed. I don't spend a lot of time on awards, but I do try to honor those I like with at least one. In my negligence, I have never presented Naqvee with an award. Not only is her blog insightful and inspirational, but she is a faithful friend. She has always been there with encouragement and kind words. When I realized my oversight, I immediately thought of a couple of awards that she very much deserves...

Naqvee, I would like to present you with these awards:

I give you the Faithful Follower Award because that is you! You are always faithful to comment on my posts. You have been following me for quite a while now, as I do you, and I trust you will be there for a long time to come. Your friendship means the world to me.

I would also like to present you with the Love My Friends Award. We have commented on each other's blogs for sometime. Over this period of time, I have grown to see you as a very dear friend. I love you, friend, and hope that you have many happy years of sharing your gift of writing with the world.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A New Award for ME!

Rae, over at WeatherVane, has made my day! She was so sweet in honoring me with this Silver Shoe of Sincerity Award. I hope this doesn't sound boastful, but I am a sincere person. If I leave you a compliment on your writing, photography, humor, whatever... I truly mean it. One of the things I love most about being here in Blogville is all the sincere, caring folks I've found. I have made many new friends that I truly adore!

According to Rae: The award is given in recognition for sincere and positive blog interaction. The best part of the award is there are no rules. If I choose I can pass it on to someone else who is positive and sincere.

This award was created by Susan at A Walk In My Shoes. You can read about the award here. I really don't have adequate time right now to figure out which of my lovely fellow bloggers I'd like to pass it along to, so for now, I'm just going to savor the moment. Thank you Rae. You know I love you!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Award Time!

Anne, at Sassy Sasha the Lovable Shih Tzu, has honored me by listing my blahwg! blog in her Top 10 Favorite Award post! Here's the really cool part; There is only 1 rule! I just need to name my top ten favorite blogs. That's harder than it sounds, but I'll give it a try. Here's my list in no particular order:

Well, that's 10. I left out family and professional blogs, trying to shorten the list. I've still got a few more that I consider my favorites. I hope I haven't forgotten to list any of my special friends. If I have, for give me please. It's late and I'm tired. Check out my side bar for more delightful blogs.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oh, to be loved!

I feel so loved in Blogville! The nice people here share their life with me. They show me pictures of their artwork, their favorite finds, their gardens, their families and pets, their travels... I love that they leave me nice comments filled with encouragement. We share happy times and sad. Driving to Blogville every morning is a very welcoming part of my day!

I have been so blessed with wonderful blog friends! They have presented me with thoughtful awards since shortly after I started blogging. I love getting them, too! It seems lately though that we're all having a tough time keeping up with blogging, reading, commenting, passing on...

Several of you simply do not have time to do it anymore and I understand. I may get to that point. But for now, I'm trying to simplify by life in Blogville without giving up anything I enjoy.

If you follow my becoming an author blog, or my blahwg! blog, you will notice a change in the sidebar... It's a lot shorter. I removed most of the awards. They're not gone - just relocated. I love getting feedback or I wouldn't be here, right? Sometimes I get an award that is presented to me without specifying which blog. So, since I post on three different blogs, I displayed my awards on each one. I didn't realize when I started it how many awards would be coming my way! Whoopee! I'm like a kid at Christmas! I would hate for my blog friends to pull up my page and think that I had neglected to post the award they so lovingly took the time to pass my way.

For now, when I get an award for a particular blog, I will post it on that blog, but display it on the sidebar of my essays blog. That way I don't have to update three times. My essays blog is just my 'everything else' blog anyway... not book stuff, not farm stuff.

Most of you have already seen my new 'pass it along' rule. I simply cannot find the time to select and go to five, six or fourteen other sites to present the awards. Based on your feedback, most of you agree. I mostly feel it's more special if you're the ONE I select rather than one in a list. And, if I only name one or two, I feel more people will be inclined to check them out...

I wish blogger had a way to automatically update the list of the blogs I follow. I thought about consolidating it onto one blog too, but decided against it for now. I know most of you love to have new visitors to your blogs and the more sidebars you appear on, the more visitors you'll attract. So for now, I'll continue to (if I remember) update the blogs I follow on all three.

I've tried cutting down on commenting... Can't do it! I've been leaving shorter ones though. I want you to know if I love your pictures, or if I can relate to your message. For those of you that let me reply to your comments via e-mail... thanks! It is a time-saver. It's easier to have a dialog with people if I don't have to go to their blog to comment on a comment they left me.

So, now that I'm done rambling, it's time for feedback... Are you trying to fit in time to keep up with life and blogging? What hints do you have to share for saving e-time, without having to sacrifice the wonderful friendships you have developed?

Monday, June 22, 2009

For All My Faithfull Followers

A brand new award! Anne at Comfort Food Warms Your Soul has passed along a new award for my blahwg! blog.

Squirrel Queen at The Road to Here has also passed along this award to me and all her other followers.

This award came to Anne from Kristen at Hands, House, and Heart Full. Kristen designed the award herself to give it to her followers. Please take a few minutes to visit Kristen.

The great thing about this award is that there are no rules, no list this or that, no set number of blogs to pass it to, or any other rule. This award is given out of love and friendship to those who take the time to read your blog. What could be more simple than that?

I am honored to pass this award on to all of my followers! If you are following blahwg! , becoming an author... my journey, or essays & utter nonsense, please take one of these awards and pass it along to your followers.

If you are just visiting, hey... Become a follower and take your award!

For All My Faithful Followers

A brand new award! Anne at Comfort Food Warms Your Soul has passed along a new award for my blahwg! blog.

Squirrel Queen at The Road to Here has also passed along this award to me and all her other followers.

This award came to Anne from Kristen at Hands, House, and Heart Full. Kristen designed the award herself to give it to her followers. Please take a few minutes to visit Kristen.

The great thing about this award is that there are no rules, no list this or that, no set number of blogs to pass it to, or any other rule. This award is given out of love and friendship to those who take the time to read your blog. What could be more simple than that?

I am honored to pass this award on to all of my followers! If you are following blahwg! , becoming an author... my journey, or essays & utter nonsense, please take one of these awards and pass it along to your followers.

If you are just visiting, hey... Become a follower and take your award!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love My Friends Award!

Thank you Squirrel Queen from The Road to Here! Judy has presented me with the coveted Love My Friends Award! I am honored.

The Love My Friends award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.

I am blessed with many good friends that I have met in Blogville. The most wonderful people reside here.

The award states it is to be delivered to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

I have a new policy about passing awards... I've been just picking one or two that I have not in the past awarded. But this award is different. I do love my friends and want them to know, so I am passing this award on to the eight closest friends I have in Blogville in hopes that you will meet them and love them too. These people have given me kind words and support, aside from a wonderful blog to follow. Please visit the blogs of these delightful people! Check out the other blogs on my sidebar that I follow. They are all wonderful people worthy of you spending a little time.

Lille Diane at ...This Time Tomorrow...

TC at Animals That Give Pause

Mark at From the North Fork Long Island

Nina at Grandma Nina

Charmine at my favorites

Anne at Sassy Sasha the Lovable Shih Tzu

Rae at Weather Vane

...and back at you SQ at Through Squirrel Eyes

Saturday, June 13, 2009

blahwg Award!

Sassy Sasha the Lovable Shih Tzu presented me with this award. According the the lovable pooch, it means 'Your blog deserves to be shot!' Hmmm... I'm assuming that since there is a camera in the picture, Sasha is not wanting to blow holes in my laptop. Of course not! She's way too sweet. Besides, I don't think Anne would let her tiny Shih Tzu near a firearm. Please visit Sasha's blog. She's very photogenic and shares a new adventure every day.

1.Post the award and link it to the person (or canine) that gave it to you.
2. Choose 5 life situations that could be repeated in slow motion and explain why.
3. List up to 12 blogs and pass the love to them.


  1. Hugs - Slow motion? Yeah, that sounds nice.

  2. Kisses - Mmmm...

  3. somersaults - Wouldn't that be cool?

  4. falling - That would give me time to pull something soft under me!

  5. waking up - That's the way I like it anyway - SLOW!

I have a new policy on awards. I will only pass them to one or two, and not to someone I've already awarded. It just seems more special that way. So I would like to pass this one on to Jase at Fool Stop because:

  1. He deserves an award. His blog is fantastically entertaining!

  2. I would like to see the photos to go with his stories.

If you have never stopped by Jase's blog, please do so. You won't be sorry!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Passing it along...

I've just found a new blog to follow. Thank you Joan for your blog on Ocean Day leading us to this one. Who doesn't love the ocean and want to save our environment? What caught my eye the most was the occupation of the blogger... Joan introduced me to Cris, an oceanography and marine biologist. In recognition of Ocean Day, June 8th, Chris is hosting a blogathon! Read all about it at crazycrishereandthere and hopefully join in.

Grand #1 is aspiring to be a marine biologist. She just completed her freshman year of high school so it's a little way off, but she's wanted this for many years. She also recently began to blog. (I've been waiting for the second part of her story to post... hint Dani) Anyway, now I'm hoping to see what she'll blog on for this event.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

...and the winner...

I love awards! I think it's nice to honor those we know only in the truest since, uninfluenced by the concrete world. The thoughts a person chooses to share reveal a truer self than outward appearance could ever hope. And with so many wonderful people out there posting every day, it is a true honor to be selected by an e-friend to receive an acknowledgment.

Thank you Jase at foolstop for lifting my spirits today with the Most Wonderful FavoUrite (his twist) Award! I enjoy reading you postings and hope others will explore your blog. (And I needed a little lift today.)

I have already received and passed along this award not long ago, so for now I'm holding off on passing it any farther to let my first honorees bask in their achievement... subject to change.

Friday, May 29, 2009

One Lovely Award!

Last night (or this morning - however you look at 1am) I was sweetly surprised by a note from Lille Diane. We have recently discovered each other, and I guess she must enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy hers because she chose me to receive this lovely 'One Lovely Blog' Award!

I do adore her style and the topics she chooses to post. I hope you will check her out at ...this time tomorrow and please, tell Lille that Lily sent you...
The rules for sharing this award are different than other awards because instead of passing it on to just anyone, you are supposed to pass it on to NEW to YOU blogs you've just become familiar with, which is very, very cool!

Here are the rules for this Very Lovely award:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. You can also make a comment about the person who gave the award to you by asking your readers to stop by their blog, pay them a visit, leave a comment, or even 'follow' their blog if they feel led to.

2) Pass the award on to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Contact these bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Just go to their site and leave a comment to one of their posts telling them you have an award for them and to please come by your blog to get it. Just a little note: You pick the number of blogs to pass the award to, just give it to those you have recently discovered. A second note, I am not passing this award along as much as I am giving you, my followers, a list of blogs to check out and hopefully follow. I know some of those I have selected may prefer not to participate in this little exercise and that is fine, no problem. Please visit these blogs and if you leave a comment maybe say MzzLily sent you.

A lot of my newly discovered blogs have already just received this award. Lille Diane would have surely been on my list, had she not been the one to award it to me! Then there is Jase at foolstop who also just received it... Well, you get the picture.

I've tried to be a little more organized lately, as I've come to realize that some of my favorite blogs have never received an award from me! I will make it up to them, but now is not the time. These are supposed to be 'new to me' blogs. But do check out my list in the sidebar of blogs I follow. There are some tremendously entertaining folks in Blogville. OK! I've got it... or them:

  1. scribbleinkcafe AmyPlaton is hoping to soon be a published author. Her topics vary from the adorable from-the-mouths-of-babes story to letter-to-the-editor style. She welcomes comments (don't we all) and polite debate. A delightful and educated woman.

  2. room304englishteacher I loved her last post on the empty desks! I find her writing entertaining and her spelleng und grammer mmpeckable:) And who doesn't love an English Teacher?

  3. The Business of Being a Mom Saving the best for last... Traci Weldie is someone that I've been following a bit before I found her blog. I am friends with her in-laws and learned about her remarkable life through them. She is a very devoted mother to four biological children and, most importantly, a child of God. God led them to the decision to adopt a fifth child, George, a seven-year-old boy from Ethiopia. Her blog offers a frank discussion of the hurdles she, George and her family must overcome in this process. My heart has been uplifted and ripped apart by her words. She is brave and honest, and worth a read.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Awards and Friendships

Squirrel Queen has made my day! I look forward to her posts with the lovely photography and thought-provoking words. Even though we have never met 'face-to-face', she is a very good friend. Today, on her thrusquirreleyes blog, she honored me with the Most Wonderful Favorite Award. I love that this award focuses on friendship. I have made the most wonderful friends through blogging.

These are the rules in accepting this award:

Deliver this award to eight bloggers who then must choose and deliver the award to eight more and include the following text into the award.

"These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers."

I would like to honor the following bloggers. As noted in the text above, my aim is to find them as friends. These are blogs that I hope everyone will visit and follow.

  1. my thoughts dani-mhs1
  2. chase at 290minus100
  3. Joan at 50somethingwoman
  4. TC at animalsthatgivepause
  5. mkreider at fromthenorthfork
  6. Cameron at ricemansblog
  7. Jessica at countryfamilyrobinson
  8. Lady Katherine at ladykatherineteaparlor

There are many, many more that I also think of as friends, but life is short...