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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Letting Maggie go free...

Remember that old saying... If you love something, set it free. Blah, blah, blah?

Our best and biggest pasture is in the front field... down the driveway, across the creek, up the hill to the gate. On a hot day, it's a long walk to make two or three trips with the horses. Lately, I have been taking Maggie and Buddy together. They walk nicely together. Hubby takes my stubborn mare.

We went out to bring them in last night, and I wondered aloud (again)... "You know, I think Maggie would just follow us back to the barn." I've said this before, but Hubby (being not as spontaneous, a.k.a. stupid as I) would always say, "It's not worth taking the chance." He's right... she could run the other way and be near the road, or take off through the neighbors fields. So I said, "I bet she would..."

Now the only thing worse than someone irresponsibly impulsive, is having the other person agree with them... Hubby says, "Why don't you try it?"

Hubby led Buddy out the gate. I followed with Nekoda and left the gate open behind me. "Kiss, kiss. Come on girl." I held my breath as Maggie came through the gate, crossed the drive to the grassy side, then turned and looked toward the road, then the open fields. Freedom. Then she turned back and followed me home to the barn. She's such a good horse.

They stayed in the paddock today. We decided to put them out for overnight since it's so hot. Dare I try going the other way with Maggie free to go as she pleased? I'm so glad she's back... She's such a good girl!


Joei said...

Nicely done Lily,
It was such a good experience, and you are such a nice girl Maggie you always obey your mom's will.

have a nice day!


SquirrelQueen said...

Maggie is such a sweetie. She knows she is home where she belongs, and that where she wants to stay.

That had to make you feel so good when she follow you to the barn.


chicamom85 said...

Maggie, you go girl! You know who loves you and where the good food is. That is such a great story. I hope you are feeling better Lily.


Naqvee said...

hey Lily,

you gotta brand new follower.. as I have grown uP reading farm and ranch stories and lovestories...haha.. you are my "live" novel...
i loved your Post and i will call this chaPter "maggie's day out !"

this haPPened with me too, as my tornjak dog "lucky" is always on leash whenever i take him out.. but one day me and my dad stayed in our balcony and thought will he ever return to us if goes out by his own and by chance in the busy street?. and yes after 20 mins of free roaming , he returned back to me, we kePt standing in our 1st floor balcony and were calling his name.. but he came only when he actually started to miss the fun he always have with us !!

have a great day ! and visit me, i will be glad.. at.. faheimgul.blogsPot.com

Naqvee said...

you have a breath taking farm.... its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo like a "mills and boon" novel.. where is it situated?


DJan said...

I also love your farm. It's my pretend home, since farm life is totally unfamiliar to me. Without this blog I'd feel a little cut off from the land. :-)

Glad that Maggie chose you. And I hope you're feeling better, Lily. If you're out and about, you must be, so I'm saying YAYY!

Kim Kasch said...

We used to have horses - a paint and a 1/4 horse. They would come from the pasture when we'd shake a can of grain.

They loved us--um, their grain. ;-)

Rae said...

Sounds like you are a horse whisperer. Obviously Maggie loves you and trusts you very much. It was nice reading this story.

AL said...

What a nice story about you and Maggie, why don't you write a story about it, it would be an interesting one!


Sharon McPherson: AUTHOR said...

Love your little stories of life on a farm. For someone who is trapped in a city, (moi!) trust me, your incidents and anecdotes are priceless. :)

KrisGC said...

Maggie is such a good girl. You two must have quite a bond. There is a great trust between you two. Great story!

Grandma Nina said...

Maggie's so glad to be home with you!