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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Splish Splash Award

I have been honored by Rae at Weather Vane with the Splish Splash Award! She is such a sweetie. This is a very unique award and I will treasure it. According to Rae, it is given based on mermaid lore qualities: alluring, amusing. bewitching, impressive, and inspiring. Gee, I never thought of my blogs as bewitching; but I do hope that someone finds amusement or inspiration from them.

I am to pass the award on to nine other blogs that I feel possess the qualities listed above.

A Walk In My Shoes
Timeless Romance
Mille Fleur
A Florida Writers Life
A Christian Romance Writer's Journey
Jan Mader Ignite to Write
The Character Therapist
On The Path
My Days and Night
Being a mom, wife, grandma and student!
Musings from the Texas Hill Country
Steph in the City
Challenge Venus or advance your worth
Terri Tiffany Inspirational Writer

I know this is more than nine, and I've been keeping the practice of only choosing one recipient to make it more special; but it seems that I'm falling behind in the blogs I wish to recognize. I have a long list of people I follow and that follow me. If you are on that list but not mentioned here, please feel free to take this award.

I do not have time to visit each one today to tell them about their award... We just found out that our next grandbaby (due in Jan) is a BOY! (We have four granddaughters.) Daddy and Mommy are coming for dinner with pictures from today's ultrasound. So THERE! Is that a good excuse?

I hope these bloggers forgive me for not noting specifics about them... Just know that they are warm, friendly people with interesting things to say. I enjoy reading their blogs as well as reading the comments they leave me. I hope you will take the time to visit them.

I also have yet to pass along this award that I received recently from Rae. (Am I always too busy?)
According to Rae: The award is given in recognition for sincere and positive blog interaction. The best part of the award is there are no rules. If I choose I can pass it on to someone else who is positive and sincere.

Anyway, without further ado...

I would like to present the Silver Shoe of Sincerity Award to....

Da dat de dum....

Al at Burnt Chicken Republic and Caramel Macchiato. Al, you are very deserving of this award. I enjoy both your blogs very much; but I especially enjoy the heart felt comments that you leave me. Your sincerity shines!

Please friends, take the time to visit and get to know Al. You will enjoy her blogs and her friendship!


chicamom85 said...

Congratulations on your awards and also on looking forward to a grandson. That is so nice. How exciting. I love awards because now I am off to explore some new ones that you have mentioned and thank you for that.

p.s. Does that mean Sadie will be an auntie again? Sasha

AL said...

Hahahaha...how did you know that I am waiting for someone to award me the Silver Shoe of Sincerity Award...simply because I like that silver shoes. Damn gorgeous. Thank you so much Lilly.

BTW you left a comment that you will be back on my blog later...procrastinating again? LOL, just kidding.


Kim Kasch said...

So cool to be like a mermaid!

Congrats! To be mystical and mythical at the same time.

SquirrelQueen said...

Congrats on the award and even more congrats on the grandson. That's a really good excuse, have a great celebration.
