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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another Day with Horses

Aside from it being a life-long dream of mine, there is another reason I so want to be a published author... I own horses. Horses cost money. Authors make money. If I have to work to afford the horses, I'd rather it be doing something I love for a change. I worked all my life at jobs I disliked, or even hated, because they paid well. Now, it would be great if I became a best-selling author and could afford the finest things in life; but all I really need is just enough money to keep my three horses. How much is that, you asked?

Well, if this cartoon where reversed...
it would come close.

I don't know of any horse owner that hasn't laughed at this cartoon, but then said, "Yeah, ain't that the truth!" I shared in a past blog about some of the expenses involved in horse ownership. Today was one of those regularly-scheduled, get-out-the-checkbook days. The farrier came to visit.

It was time for the horses to have their hooves trimmed. Buddy has had some trouble with his feet requiring a little extra attention for awhile. Last summer we had to put shoes on his front feet. I prefer my horses to be barefoot, but sometimes shoes are a necessity. When we had two horses trimmed and shoes on just Buddy's front feet, the bill was $85. Once they improved enough to drop the shoes, it only cost us $60 for the trim. But while we were working on his problem, we scheduled the appointments closer together than the average trim. Today it had been seven weeks since the last trim. Buddy's hooves look pretty good! I'm thrilled that we can wait eight weeks for the next trim, especially since now there are three horses. (That's $90, if you're keeping track.)

So if you're dreaming of owning your very own horse, add this to your info file for future reference. Lots of horse owners board their horses, so they don't have to think about the price of hay or grain; it's included in the board. But guess what? Trims are not. Vet bills are not. Supplements are not. There's just no way around it... Open your wallets wide!


chicamom85 said...

I have no doubt that it is expensive. I also know how much you love your horses and wouldn't trade them for gold probably. You are a credit to animal owners everywhere, being so good to all of your animals. I love your stories and always learn something from you. Good luck with your writing and give Maggie a scratch behind the ear from me.

p.s. Give Sadie a lick from Sasha

Nancy said...

I have been a horse owner. I remember well. Best of luck with the book - it will be a smash hit!

Rae said...

And here I was just complaining about how much Piper costs me for heartworm and flea prevention plus his routine vaccinations,etc. I guess I will stick with a dog since I am not going to be published. Without a book deal I couldn't afford anything more.

That photo is great. Too bad it really doesn't work that way.

AL said...

I know raising horses is a bit expensive, but horses are very lovely to see around a farm. Take care of Maggie well, she is precious.


Joei said...

having them is what matters most, and the happiness you got when you are with your horses is priceless...

have a nice day

-joei- Alvond

DJan said...

Well, Lily, as you know, not every author is rich and famous, but then again, nothing was even done without the attitude that anything is possible. I worked for several authors and helped them write books, but they were scientists and most of them didn't write anything remotely interesting to the rest of us (except other scientists). But you write very interesting things, and I think you have every chance to be rich and famous, and I can say I knew you when!!

Grandma Nina said...

I agree with Rae, I thought having 2 dogs and a cat was expensive. I'd never be able to do anything else if I had to pay for horses. But I think you're headed in the right direction with your book. Get it finished so we can start buying them.
Like your new header picture.

Lille Diane said...

Hi darling, Lily...

I have so much reading to catch up on. Nice to be back in the saddle [no pun intended...] and reading my fav bloggers!

When I lived in CA many of my neighbors, and truthfully many people in general who own horses in CA, do it for show and nothing more than being able to tell people they "have horses". They never ride them, pay attention to them, and often do not care for them the way they should be cared for. Trust me I lived down wind to several horses owners who did not clean up the barns, and stalls as they should have.

One of my neighbors lost a mare. She died from unknown causes but probably because they were inexperienced at being horse owners. The horse laid in their pasture for awhile because they couldn't afford to pay for it to be disposed of properly. Even this costs money, a lot of it, when you own larger animals. People don't think about "those" costs when they purchase a horse.

It is expensive to care for horses, and the vet bills, and the feed, etc. I admire you for being a good horse person, and one who loves and cares for her horses as you obviously do. I cannot wait to come down to your farm to visit, Lily. I'll bring some carrots, and a some boots in case I get brave enough to ride again. [was thrown off a horse in 87.... big ouchies!!!]

I believe you will be able to afford as many horses as you'd like to own, Mz Lily when your book is published. I have faith in you, and your writing abilities.

Jan Mader said...

I cannot believe this is my first time at this wonderful blog. I just knew you as a writer until a couple days ago.

Your horses are beautiful and I totally understand about the expense.

I have google adsense on my blog. My goal was to use it to pay for my horse's expenses (since my freelance writing is so down right now). The ads have to be clicked on for them to count, so it's totally out of my control.

Slowly but surely I'm making a little money from adsense, but we have a long way to go. I don't think the ads are too offensive. I hope someone would tell me if they were.

Anyhoo, I'm lucky. No shoes on Tango. Just a regular trim every four weeks.

I've gotten way off track. I'm going to spend the next day or so catching up on this wonderful blog!!!! How fun.

MelRoXx said...

Its lovely to see horses running around a farm...

TC said...

The writing thing and the horses make sense to me. Also being able to sit on the patio (which we really don't have a proper one) in the afternoon and sip wine (more than likely I'm gardening and sweating) while I watch the kids in the pool (yes the pool is imaginary too) was my persistent fantasy. I thought ebay and art was my answer and then the recession hit....

Kim Kasch said...

And getting their teeth floated and sawdust for their bed and. . . I could go on and on but I shore miss those horses we had :(

Diane said...

The horse funny was cute. Too mnay things in our lives are suckers of our money and not returners. I guess writing is relatively cheap compared to other work or hobbies. :o)