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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Farmer's Market Challenge

It's time again for the Farmer's Market Challenge hosted by Squirrel Queen at The Road to HereThe purpose of this challenge is to raise awareness for purchasing locally produced foods. Be it fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, or any related items we want to know what's available where you live.

I have too many posts on our garden crops to link here.  Please visit my earlier posts to see all the goodies we grow for ourselves.  This year we didn't sell any vegetables, since we planted a lot more variety of vegetables.  We only planted for ourselves and to give away.

This is the harvest edition.  All our crops have been picked and stored for the winter.   We have enough green beans and corn in the freezer to last until next fall's harvest.  There are also many bags of shredded zucchini in the freezer.  Mr J uses it to make his special bread.  We gave away most of our Tabasco chili peppers.  It was our first year for growing them and sweet potatoes.  Mr J built a rack in the basement to store the potatoes.

 Danger:  Intense Heat!  We don't use a lot of these...
 Our fruit harvest is small, but tasty.  The trees are still young.

Even though the leaves are mostly gone and the garden is tilled under, we still have home grown food.  Our hens are laying between two and three dozen eggs a day!  These we do sell.  We hope to make enough to pay for the feed.  The green eggs are popular with the kids.  They are super yummy!

We are blessed to be able to grow so much of our own food.  We know our hens are not shot up with all kinds of hormones and antibiotics.  We know our vegetables aren't tainted with pesticides.  Our fruit may have spots from bugs, but I know it won't make our grandchildren sick.

Today, farmer's markets are gaining in popularity.  Almost everyone lives close enough to one to enjoy fresh organic fruits and vegetables.  I encourage you to take advantage of these markets.  And don't just buy enough for dinner, but enough to freeze or can.  It's not only a healthier choice... it's a tastier choice!  Fresh without chemicals is always better.

Please visit Squirrel Queen's blog to find other posts on the fall harvest.


chicamom85 said...

Thank you for sharing that. I imagine that there must be a real satisfaction in enjoying the food that you grew yourself. I know it is a lot of work, but it seems so worth it when I see and read about the harvest. I like the idea of that zucchini bread.


AL said...

Congratulations with all those harvest Ms Lily, you are so blessed for having all of those...the fruit of labor. You are so lucky to have married a very resourceful person.

The best part is that you're aware that the food you're eating are safe and very healthy! Good luck with your next harvest.

I thank you for your nice comments on my blog I appreciate it so much.


DJan said...

I went to my Farmers' Market yesterday in the rain, and almost all the stalls are gone, a few moved inside. I was disappointed, but I shouldn't have been. It's that time of year. I love your eggs picture and sure wish I could have a dozen, please!

Kim Kasch said...

I love farmer's markets. And, I love to buy locally. It helps support the local economy.

Grandma Nina said...

You're so lucky to have so much of your own home grown food. It always tastes better and is better for you. I don't even like eating in restaurants anymore because I don't know what's in that food. I never feel good afterwards.

Ebie said...

Hi Lily, nothing taste better than home grown! You must have a bountiful harvest enough to last next fall! I love the regular red bell peppers, and if I can get some from the farmers market, I freeze some and they come very handy.

I posted mine late.

Ebie's Farmers Market Challenge.