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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another Day on the Farm

I've posted lots of egg pictures recently, but I couldn't resist posting a couple more...

Remember the really HUGE egg?  Well, here is its opposite:

I've seen eggs smaller than this in a robin's nest, but from a chicken?  I'll have to take a picture of it frying to show you later...

Maggie has been doing something strange lately, so I called the vet and arranged a farm call.  Yes, some doctors do still make house calls! 

This is Dr. Brett, Mr J and one very dirty Maggie Mae.  Luckily Dr. Brett had good news for me.  She has a skin fungus (a very simple remedy) and she has old-timer's...   Yes, she's just old and having a few problems that just come with the age.  (eightyish in people years)

Maggie has lost a few teeth, and it is more difficult for her to chew her food.  The strange habit she has developed is just a symptom of her food not being chewed well enough, and getting stuck in her throat.  It is time to make a major change to her diet.  She'll no longer be tossed flakes of hay while corralled with the other horses.  I'll chop grass hay for her.  She will also get soaked alfalfa cubes and more senior feed, perhaps in a mash.  Plus it's time to up the calories to add fat for winter.

Horses, just like people, have different nutritional needs as they age.  It's a bit more work, but it means better health, and perhaps a longer life.  Maggie is definitely worth it!


DJan said...

Yes, Maggie is definitely worth it. About those eggs, that is just WRONG. Which one hurt when it came out?? I just got back from the ultrasound place and will know in a few days what they found...

Lynn said...

Is the other egg extra large? Or is the smaller egg very tiny?

Poor Maggie Mae. It is so neat that you take in older horses. :D

AL said...

Yummy eggs, I just had boiled eggs this morning, I added a few drops of Maggi Seasoning on it and YES!

Maggie is different from Maggi seasoning, I hope Maggie will okay soon. Can't you give Maggie some eggs?

Take care

Kim Kasch said...

Oh I so know all about this. My dog is 16 and my husband stopped at the feed store to get her some glucosamine, they only had it for horses and I was afraid to buy that dosage (not knowing how to cut it down to fit her size). He got some at Trader Joe's. Hoping we can get another 6 months or so out of her.

My son said, heck she's a wimp the oldest dog lived to be 29 what's with her hanging it up at 16?...

chicamom85 said...

I am glad it is nothing serious with Maggie. She is aging gracefully like the beauty she is.


Oklahoma Granny said...

Because of posts just like this - the way you take such good care of your animals - I am passing along a "Heartfelt Award" to you. Please see my blog today


and have a blessed day.

tc said...

I thoroughly agree you do need the heartfelt award. Poor Maggie is getting a bit long in the tooth, she has old timers? You do have a VERY caring heart.
The eggs? They are a study in contrasts, I would bet the big one was a bit painful though.

plainolebob said...

lol, I ain't never seen an egg that small.
We have what they call keeeeow birds here in Louisiana, even though I am from Okla.,any way.

This is a very small bird, smaller than a wren, she lays an egg almost twice her size.

hence the name
as the egg comes out, you hear this god awful shout
and that is the keeow bird.

plainolebob said...

Lilly, our award is not a pass along, and there is one waiting for you

Oklahoma Granny said...

I read the comment you left on my blog - that you're soon to be Nana to a grandson. Congrats! Currently we only have grandsons but our son and his wife are in the process of adopting a little girl (age 3) and another little boy (age 1). They've had both of them since they were born so they're like ours already but the adoption will make it official. Have a blessed day.

Mark Kreider said...

Wonderful post! I'm going through this with my parents right now, dementia, and all that goes along with that. You are doing such wonderful things!

Jan Mader said...

Yes, I know Maggie is worth it. What a great life she has with you.

And...I still need to bring my grandkids and come down for a farm tour and some eggs!!!!

Marla said...

I am so enjoying reading through your blog. Isn't farm life just the best!! Your Maggie reminds me of our Dunnie. Nothing better than a sweet old gal to love.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a tiny egg, I think even a tiny chicken's egg would be bigger.

Glad to hear it's nothing serious for Maggie, she is such a sweetie.
