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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

so far...

I've had fun going through my photo files trying to pick some for a collage.  As you can see, I have a little trouble making decisions.  I guess I kinda overdid it.  I have some ideas of how it'll end up, but I didn't have much time to work on it.  Let me know which shots you like, and any ideas you have.

Here's a shot of my weeping cherry:
Spring has sprung!

I do love winter, but this winter was long enough.  I've started weeding my gardens... not making much progress, but I've got a very good reason...

Yes, this is the guy that has kept me from blogging.  It's his fault I haven't had my giveaway!  But he's just so doggone cute...

Brady comes to see me every morning at seven, and stays all day until his ride comes.  We sing, we play with a cow.  We watch Spongebob.  We eat, we nap.  We laugh, we cry.  The hours pass quickly.  I think I'm in love.

I have been trying to capture a smiling face, but Brady doesn't like cameras.  He puts on his 'glassy-eyed' look and stares at his shoulder each time I try to snap a cute shot.  Or...

...he moves.  I have a lot of blurry shots.  Even the camera that freezes the galloping horses is no match for Brady!

Brady does let me go out sometimes...

I caught Sadie and Chubs having fun in the weeping cherry branches.

I have some good news to share...  Sadie lost almost 10 pounds!  Daddy has a hard time holding back the treats, but, now that she's made some progress, he's ready to stick to the diet, too!

I have managed to leave the farm a couple of times...

...like the night we went to see Dani (G #1) in South Pacific.  She's a nut for musicals.  Dani passed up trying out for the fall play because it wasn't a musical! She wasn't crazy about this one, but she went out for it anyway.

I think she looks cute in her military uniform.  It makes my heart just a little bit heavy to think about how grown up she is...

OK, I just had to post one more...

Brady is starting to settle into a schedule.  Soon I hope to be announcing that giveaway!  Stay tuned.

Now, I'll leave you with a couple of shots of my lovely river birch.


Unknown said...

Brady sure is a cutie!! I can see why you'd be a bit distracted! I love the picture of your weeping cherry. The birch bark certainly would add some interesting texture! Welcome back and God bless!

Oklahoma Granny said...

I understand why you're having trouble with your collage. I don't know how I'd ever choose either.

Brady is one handsome little guy and it's great that he comes to visit you everyday.

Al said...

Aww little Brady made me smile this morning and while I am typing this comment I am still smiling. I like the weeping cherry and Brady. Why is it called weeping cherry? Oh and Sadie and Chubs too!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie patootie!! I'd spend any time I could with my grand daughter Lilly and my blog would only be filled with photos of her.. oops.. it was already, so I made a specail page on my blog dedicated for just Lilly photos.

River birch looks good, full green here.. we did loose one over the winter for some reason, so it's gonna be replaced with an evergreen.

And Sadie doesn't look a pound over 50.. great shape she's in.

Love plays, hubs don't. Hard enough to pull him to a holiday concert.. he snores most of the time. Then wakes and claps away!

Enjoy this spring, ps, send us some rain please.

with love,

DJan said...

Well, it is easy to see why you're distracted. And what a wonderful thing to do, play all day long. Just like being a kid again. And actually I do love the collage, pictures of animal and plants, who could ask for anything more? (No, you don't need more!)

SquirrelQueen said...

Well it's easy to see why you have been distracted, Brady is adorable. I think it is great that you get to spend time with him each day.

Love the weeping cherry and the photo of Sadie and Chubs. Dani is so cute in the uniform.

CrazyCris said...

I came by to check on your "10th photo" and smashed into your collage! I LOVE it!!! With so many great photos you've got, I'd have trouble picking and choosing as well! :p

And yeah, you definitely had an excellent "excuse" to disappear from the blog-o-sphere for a while, adorable! :o)

Sniffles and Smiles said...

I can't imagine trying to choose from so many wonderful photos! But I'm partial to the one at the top of this post! So pretty...but I suppose it doesn't go with your beautiful header...You have so many great shots...Your grandson is absolutely adorable! Such fun! What a joy it must be to be able to spend so much time with him! Have a wonderful weekend! Love, Janine XO

Leave a Legacy said...

I've missed you, but who could blame you for having this new love and obsession. He's adorable. I'll be on baby sitting duty next week for my two cutey boys. At ages 4 and 5 they are a little more active. You may not hear from me for a week or so either. But I think our priorities are right where they should be.
BTW, I love the collage.

Lynn said...

You are one busy lady. No doubt the grandson is/will be terribly spoiled by all the girl cousins as well as by Meme, Mr. J, and Great Grandma/pa. :D

Love the new blog set up. It is terrific!

Nancy said...

Oh my gosh, what a cutie! Brady is worth a little time away from your blog, I'd say.

Love the birch!

Marla said...

That picture of Brady with his eyes open may be a bit blurry but ...Oh...My...Gosh!!! He is so doggone cute!