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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not Enough Thyme!

How do you like my new title graphic?  Time is short these days, so I don't have much to spend on a picture. All the items in the collage are from photos I took here on the farm (except for the clothes line.) 

Speaking of time...  I have some lemon thyme in my front garden, but I don't know if it's edible.  Mr J and I had to make a trip to the feed store this morning, so on the way back we stopped at a small nursery to see what kinds of shrubs and herbs they had.  I spotted some lemon thyme that was solid green and edible.  On the same table with the other herbs was the green and yellow variety of lemon thyme that I have.  It did not say anything about being edible.  If it wasn't raining, I'd get a picture of it.  Maybe someone in Blogville knows.  But it is raining and dark, so...  if you don't hear from me anymore, you'll know it's NOT edible!

Last year I told you about planting onion chives off the bedroom deck where we built the new steps...  I love sitting on the steps and munching away, but I forget about the fresh chives when I'm cooking!  I do want to expand the herb garden, so today I bought a couple more perennials...

  On the left is Pineapple Sage, and on the right is peppermint.  The sage tastes exactly like pineapple.  It should make an exciting addition to a stir-fry.  I have an addiction to Altoids Peppermints.  I think I can pass them up now.  Just a pinch off this plant gives you nice peppermint breath that lasts!  I hope they spread fast... I can see me chopping them down to the ground in no thyme!  LOL

I'm not much into annuals.  I like plants that stay year after year and spread.  I had some rhubarb in one flower bed, but something dug it up.  I'll try a different spot next time.  We're also going to plant some asparagus.  It is a lovely garden perennial, but gets much too large to  place where the herbs are going.  I will place it out in the lawn and build a new garden around it.  I think it will look good placed between Mr J's new plants...
Mr J picked up these two varieties of lavender... English and Munstead.  I think they would look splendid framing the asparagus, and would make an ideal garden spot for the windmill.  The windmill was damaged by the hurricane that blew through the mid-west a year-and-a-half ago, and has been in storage ever since.  Sounds like we've got another spring project.

I need to visit my bloggy friends!  Brady is keeping me away for awhile, but I'll try to get around to you all this week during his nap times.  Wish me luck.


DJan said...

I really LIKE that new banner, Lily! It's got a little bit of everything, and then there's the clothesline. Very nice. I have no idea about the thyme, so let me know if you find out whether or not it's edible, hopefully by NOT getting sick when you eat it!

Al said...

Pineapple sage sounds new to me...I clicked to enlarge to check if we have the same kind of herb here, yes sound good for stir fry and roast chicken. I am rid of lemon grass I have to find pineapple sage for my roast chicken...umm.

CrazyCris said...

I liked the collage, but this is much more original! Must have taken a lot of work!

Never heard of pineapple sage...

Nancy said...

I'm off to my grandson next week for ten days. It's been a long time since I was totally in charge of a two year old. But if you can do a little newborn every day, well then, I guess I'll survive. I just hope he does...

Not sure about the lemon thyme. It sounds innocuous enough.

Anonymous said...

Love the Banner and just look at all your babies and of course Mr. Hubs there.. nicely done.

Oh my.. pineapple sage.. that's a must for me.. where did you find such a treasure at?

with love,

Sheri said...

i did notice your new blog title and i thinks it cool the way you've incorporated such realism into it! your photos are gorgeous and i find i'm jealous, not having the funds to get much in the way of new plants this year :( my sage and cilantro made it through the winter but i'm going to have to get busy and sow the seeds i harvested last fall, if i want to enjoy any other herbs!
what a fun time i've had here today, thanks!

Sheri said...

Praise the Lord, indeed!! was so nice to read your comment left today...it's so nice when someone understands just what it means to be a grandparent :)
God bless you!

Jan Mader said...

Your blog is awesome. I love the design. I wish I could do with photos what you do!! I haven't even started with plants yet...good for you!!!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

This banner is perfect!!! AND I love the addition of the Cherry Blossoms ;-) You are the BEST!!! Great post! I love mint and edible herbs...must plant some here ...had them at our previous home...Thanks for inspiring me! Love, Janine XO

Anonymous said...

I love your title graphic. I like the country farmsy theme. I never lived on a farm but my grandpa had five acres and chickens and once had sheep. I like to take my kids to see farm animals at the county fair.

Stephen Tremp

Unknown said...

You've inspired me to get back outside and plant some herbs and such in my containers! I love having fresh herbs on hand for cooking! Looking forward to your next post, in the mean time, enjoy Brady! God bless!!

Ann Best said...

Love this site. Glad I found it. Good luck on your book. It should take priority over blogging until it's done.

SquirrelQueen said...

Love the new header, great job adding the photos.

I saw some pineapple sage the other day but passed it up, maybe I will go back and see if there is any left. It would be great for stir-fry.

Marla said...

Your blog looks divine. You did a fantastic job and I am inspired.

Love all the plants and info. We just purchased lavendar for the first time, so time will tell. Had a MAJOR hail storm sweep through last week so...buh bye veggie garden. sniff sniff