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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Record Breaker!

Remember the giant egg? 
We get some really big ones on a regular basis,
but every now and then...

FIL and I say it's the biggest we've ever had.
Mr J says the other one was bigger.
We may never know...
but we will know if we ever get a bigger one in the future.

FIL held the measuring tape on it so I could document the size.  
7 7/8" around that bad boy!  Or should I say boys...

Now, that's a meal!


Rae said...

I feel sorry for the chicken that laid it. Ouch!

Janean said...

all i could think of was WOW...oooh, that poor chicken! lol.

Naqvee said...

well well.. it's UNIQUE.. jawsdrop

Shellbelle said...

Holy macaroni, that's one BIG egg. It looks huge in the carton, but when I saw the exact measurement, I was astounded! Looks even better in the pan, what time is breakfast? I'll bring the biscuits.

Lynn said...

My favorite way to do eggs...Pam, dab of butter, salt-pepper,carefully flip, cook until almost done, sprinkle cheese on top (to slightly melt), cut up, add salsa, and voila: a dish fit for a queen. :D

DJan said...

I always wonder if they hurt coming out when they are that big. Yep, it's twins!

Oklahoma Granny said...

That's one gigantic egg! Wonder if Guinness has a world record for eggs? Haven't had breakfast yet. I'm thinkin' I need an egg or two.

Marla said...

What a beautiful egg!

Mark Kreider said...

I consider any egg to be a miracle and this one is the Queen of the Eggs!

Mark Kreider said...

My dear Lily, I've taken your fabulous idea for making my photo into a jig saw puzzle and have embedded the puzzle in a post under the picture. Thanks a whole bunch... have fun!

Sandy said...

I know nothing about life on a farm, and so am really really curious why that 1 egg is sooooooo much larger than the others?

Come to dinner anytime (seems we might have a party with the number who wanted to come for dinner, lol)


SquirrelQueen said...

They just keep getting bigger. I figure an ostrich size one is only a matter of time.