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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just What the Doctor Ordered!

After the week we've had, it's so nice to enjoy a special family moment!
The phone woke me up at 7am! Normally, I wouldn't like that, but today it was worth it. S-i-L called to say her son Shawn was stopping by on his way back to Virginia. Hubby's nephew is career military pilot and has been deployed to Iraq & Afghanistan too many times to count. He's a super guy that never forgets his grandparents.
Thanks Shawn. We needed that!

Work a Little, Play a Little

G#2 (Ali) is here for the summer, and likes helping with the projects. Here Sadie is supervising while Ali learns the intricate fitting process of building a stone stairway. After a couple of hard hours, it looked like a good place to take a break...
Hard work does have its rewards!

Suicide Watch

Sorry to title this post so morbidly, but that's on my heart tonight. This blog started as random opinions, sermons, thoughts, oddball items... Whatever didn't fit on the other two, went here. Now it's leading me down this road - diary of a caretaker, no-opinion counting, D-i-L. Maybe it will help someone reading to know that they are not alone if facing similar circumstances.

If you've no desire to learn what a child caring for a parent has to face, or do not wish to read intimate details of care (not too deeply intimate), then click the x in the corner. If you want to read on, but need a little background, scroll back to some recent posts.

My in-laws have lived with us for six years. It hasn't been easy, but it has had its rewards. However, the days are growing long and the rewards are farther between. Decompressing is a word that has now become important to me. It's hard to sneak a night out and not talk about appointments and medications.

We've been on a roller coaster ride this week with concern over caring for my MiL. She is now bedridden, although probably temporarily, and I can't even get her on the pot alone. Today, with FiL's help I managed, but barely got her back on the bed. To make the process as easy on her and us as possible, I have had to put her in adult diapers and leave her PJ bottoms off. It's just too hard to move her and pull everything back up. She is large and can't even roll herself. I've strained myself a few times recently trying to care for her.

She is a very proud woman and this has been extremely hard for her to take. To make matters worse, her mind is not rational. Too much illness and medications has taken a great toll on her reasoning and memory. This results in a million explanations and arguments over her PJs. FiL cannot stand to argue. He pleads with her to understand. She nags and insists that he do as she says. He begs. She nags. He tells her he can't. She tells him to do it anyway.

Three times tonight I had to go into their room and save him. They love each other too deeply to be angry. She has a temper - always has. She would never intentionally hurt him, but she doesn't understand. He has a back back, a hernia, is on three blood-thinners, and is in his eighties. And she doesn't want anyone else to do it.

F-i-L has stated that if we don't let them stay here, he will move somewhere else with her. He refuses to put her in a nursing home. In a recent post, I revealed our family's fear of a murder-suicide outcome if they were to live alone. I know that as long as they remain here, he will not do that... if only for the reason that his son could no longer live his dream on a farm.

That has not put my mind at peace. Three times tonight I listened to him tell her, during these PJ arguments, "Mommy, (Hubby - don't ever call me that!) if you don't stop I'm gonna take a walk out into the woods and be done with it!" He made a reference to something on the floor by his bed.

This is a man who has carried a gun his whole life. As a boy, he hunted around the coal-mining camps of Eastern Kentucky. He protects his loved ones with a steel sentinel waiting dutifully in the corner. Hubby can count on Dad to keep the varmints at bay. He spends hours upon hours on the lookout over the tree-lines, daring that groundhog to threaten the tractor wheels. His guns are a part of him as much as the razor-sharp pocket knife and jam-packed key ring.

So while you folks ponder whether it's possibly time to tell Dad he shouldn't drive, we're pondering over the arsenal.

Friday, June 5, 2009

'Til Death, cont.

Thank you all dear friends for the supportive and kind comments that you have left about my earlier post. It meant a great deal to me to read your caring words. Sometimes that's all we need to make it over the humps in life.

Yesterday, the family talked it over and it was pretty much settled that my in-laws would move back to their old home that is being rented, after some modifications are made. It is just minutes away from other family members. I didn't see how this would help, since none of them live there, just nearby.

Today my F-i-L told us that he didn't want to leave the farm. He loves it here and we promised them a home. So that settles it. If the others show up with one more brochure from a senior's apartment... I'm gonna grab Papaw's varmint gun!

Things are hopping around here with the arrival of my special summer guest. So, if you don't hear from me as often, don't worry. If something rough is going on, you'll be the first people I run to!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Passing it along...

I've just found a new blog to follow. Thank you Joan for your blog on Ocean Day leading us to this one. Who doesn't love the ocean and want to save our environment? What caught my eye the most was the occupation of the blogger... Joan introduced me to Cris, an oceanography and marine biologist. In recognition of Ocean Day, June 8th, Chris is hosting a blogathon! Read all about it at crazycrishereandthere and hopefully join in.

Grand #1 is aspiring to be a marine biologist. She just completed her freshman year of high school so it's a little way off, but she's wanted this for many years. She also recently began to blog. (I've been waiting for the second part of her story to post... hint Dani) Anyway, now I'm hoping to see what she'll blog on for this event.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

...and the winner...

I love awards! I think it's nice to honor those we know only in the truest since, uninfluenced by the concrete world. The thoughts a person chooses to share reveal a truer self than outward appearance could ever hope. And with so many wonderful people out there posting every day, it is a true honor to be selected by an e-friend to receive an acknowledgment.

Thank you Jase at foolstop for lifting my spirits today with the Most Wonderful FavoUrite (his twist) Award! I enjoy reading you postings and hope others will explore your blog. (And I needed a little lift today.)

I have already received and passed along this award not long ago, so for now I'm holding off on passing it any farther to let my first honorees bask in their achievement... subject to change.