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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

chicks, chicks, and more chicks!

I'm getting nervous. Don't know why. It's not my responsibility. Birds are dirty, nasty animals that happen to lay eggs and taste good. By the end of the week, Hubby will have 75 more chickens! SEVENTY-FIVE! (Sorry, didn't mean to yell.)

For the first couple of weeks, they will smell up my garage. And I, right smack in the midst of rainy season, will have to use the front door to take the dog out. Despite my dislike of the species, I will document their growth in pictures to share with you. Ah, life on the farm.

Monday, April 6, 2009

movie review

While browsing through my daughter's DVD collection, I noticed one that had peaked my interest with its previews. Although I don't include them in the list of my favorites, I do love a really good thriller. Unfortunately, in my opinion, good thrillers are few and far between. The DVD I pulled off the shelf was 'Secret Window' starring Johnny Depp. It's about an author that is accused of plagiarism by some psycho. Hmmm... an author threatened by a psycho? Remember 'Misery'? Loved that one.

This movie is based on 'Secret Window Secret Garden' by Stephen King. Now I have to edit my profile. I made a crack about life being too short for Stephen King. Love his work, but my first and last book by him was 'IT'. If you've read 'IT' you understand what I mean. I thought I'd never get to the end! I may have to give him a second shot.

Anyway, I got a chance to watch the DVD last night. Intense is the first word that comes to mind to describe the main character. Depp was the perfect choice for this role. The main setting for the movie was also perfect for a mystery/thriller... a writer's cabin in a remote area under the jurisdiction of less-than-adequate law enforcement. Depp's life is falling apart. He is in the process of divorcing his cheating wife. She's living in his dreamhouse and he's stuck in the woods with a crazy guy! Just when his life hits rock bottom, it gets worse.

It's popped into my mind several times today. It was awesome! Well, I thought it was. If you've seen it, let me know what you thought. If you haven't, go rent it and get back to me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

A few weeks ago my daughter asked me if I'd sing with her and my oldest granddaughter in their Easter Cantata. Other than standing alongside the congregation, I haven't sung in church in several years. She acted as though it was important to her, so like any mom would, I said yes. Not that I regret it, but I'm worn out!

Her church is a forty-five minute drive from my house. Apparently they had already had one practice before I got involved in it. I missed another one that was scheduled the same night I had tickets for LaComedia to see 'Camelot'. I made all the rest of the practices. That was tough, but I got to see a little more of the grandbabies (although three aren't babies anymore.)

Anyone that knows me well knows I am definitely not a morning person! Getting up at eight is for special occasions. I vow to try and make a habit of getting up earlier before the hot weather arrives. We'll see...

I usually get up between nine and ten in the morning. Yesterday's full rehearsal with the orchestra was scheduled for ten! Great if I lived around the corner. But, as I said, I do on occasion get up at eight. So I set my alarm and left the house by nine, arriving fifteen minutes early. This morning was much tougher!

Like my home church, Jen's church has two services. We were singing at both. Their first service starts at eight-thirty! What? Are you kidding me? I had to set my alarm for six! Did you know it is dark at six? Well, it is! Really dark. I had to turn on lights to walk around my bedroom! Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. Now I know why some churches set aside Saturday as their Sabbath... Gotta get up too early on Sunday.

I got up. It wasn't fun, but I did it. After slamming down an Atkins' protein shake, I headed to town for a bottle of Frappuccino. (I know... makes no sense to me either.) Thank goodness the sun was up before the long drive or I don't think I would have made it. The Frappuccino should have been an espresso. Or better yet, battery acid! I stayed awake for the drive... always a good thing. I was halfway to Middletown before I even thought of turning on the practice CD. I really don't need it. I hear these songs in my head now.

I arrived at the church at about eight-fifteen, and was surprised to find quite a lot of cars already there. Seems most of the choir and orchestra arrived by eight and the choir had already warmed up. Oh well.

Hubby listened to the last minute instructions on how to work the video on my camera. My daughter and my granddaughter both had solo numbers. Nanas are supposed to carry cameras for all occasions, and this morning would not be an exception. When my granddaughter is a huge star and the paparazzi want to know her roots in music, I will have all the archives they need. (I have a video of her 'performing' for me when she was four.)

After leaving my jacket and camera in good hands, I found my way down to the room where the choir gathers before the service and breathed a sigh of relief that: 1 - I was awake, and 2 - it would soon be all over and my life could go back to being just busy.

I don't have stage fright in a group, so my only fear was that I had chosen the wrong footwear. My step-daughter has narrow feet and I don't. Wanting something comfy with open-toes since I would be standing for so long, I chose to wear a pair of leather sandals that she had given me a long time ago. I reasoned that the leather strap across my foot would stretch rather than stop the circulation of blood to my feet. Thank goodness I was right on that one!

The music in this cantata was wonderful. I loved every song... Maybe not in the beginning, but they grew on me. I even learned some Latin! Right on cue, as my daughter and her pastor approached the mikes for their duet, Hubby lifted the camera, balancing granddaughter-number-four on his knee all the while. Everything went as rehearsed, except for one tiny timing problem in a piece that went smooth as silk in all the rehearsals. Typical.

After their first service, (since it starts so incredibly early), they have a long break before the second service. Once outside the sanctuary, I spied the usually set up of coffee and cookies. Did I mention I have a tremendous sweet tooth? I can't pass up a cookie jar, never mind an entire table full! While munching on a delightfully crisp lime thing, I was reminded of the choir breakfast. A nice lady makes breakfast for the choir for every cantata. I headed to the multi-purpose room down the hall and took my place in line. It was finally time for me to be awake, but I seldom eat this early in the morning. There was every kind of breakfast casserole you ever heard of, fresh fruit, and juice. Despite my pleas of "just a little bit," these dear souls filled my styrofoam plate with love. And I ate it.

After breakfast there was a little time before we had to sing again. I thought it best to get some fresh air and walk a bit. As delicious as every thing had been, it sat very heavy in my stomach. After all, I was still full of protein shake and Frappuccino! Now I had to stand and sing for another hour plus! And now I had a second thing to fear...

I exited the church and headed through the parking lot to my car. I keep a tin of curiously strong mints in it. Mint is a naturally stomach medicine and I could have OD'd on them! At least my feet felt fine.

Once again, I made my way down to the 'waiting' room. I worried about the big breakfast. I checked the time. Taking in a deep breath, I promised myself I'd be fine. And I was...

Once we started up the circular stairway to the choir area, I forgot all about the breakfast. My heart was once again in tune with the reason we were there. As we lifted our voices in celebration of our Lord and Savior, I surveyed the congregation. Their expressions showed the impact of the music. I think God was pleased, too.

Let us not let this day pass without thinking of what Jesus was going through on that Palm Sunday. He knew His fate was very close at hand. He knew He would not leave this town the way He arrived. There would be no beast of burden to carry Him. There would be no palm branches lining His path. He was to carry the burden... The burden of the cross. The burden of our sins. The burden of the entire world. And He succeeded. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

today's burden, tomorrow's blessing

My daughter-in-law is heavy on my mind today. She is fighting infertility problems due to Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. She blogs about the 'process', so I'm learning little bits of information to help me understand what she is going through. But it doesn't help at all. Yeah, I know something about the treatment for PCOS... But I know very little about what she's going through.

I get snippets from time to time. While reading one of her latest surveys I learned that when she walks by the room set aside to be the nursery, it causes her sadness. I can't imagine living in a home where there is a spot to avoid or face anguish. Isn't that like being stalked or even haunted? Home is supposed to be a place to go to escape the troubles of life - a place for comfort.

Realizing that people did care and want to know, but were afraid to constantly question her, she began updating us with her blog. I'm sure it helps her not to have to answer the same questions over and over to forty different people. And whatever comments we make, she can choose to read or not. She has shared that the hormones necessary to treat her condition do take her on an emotional roller coaster.

It's difficult knowing what to say or not say. I feel quite certain that it won't be long before she is pregnant. But that's just my gut feeling... It does nothing to comfort her. She and my step-son have just started attending our church. I have been praying for her to find comfort in Jesus. He is my comfort. But I also pray that He will bless them soon with a child... Real comfort will come when she rocks my newest grandchild to sleep.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

For the love of Iris...

I did it! I finally finished the iris bed after four days of stuffing clay under my fingernails. Sorry about the quality of the video... a storm is moving in and it is getting dark. You can't really see all the irises, just the big ones, but you can see it's quite a good-sized area. Thank goodness for the rainy weather that gave me a little break. The first two days I worked on it for several hours and the third day my legs cramped!

The stepping stones lead to the 'sitting' rock area. The rock came from down by the creek. I had to roll it in place with the tractor because it's too big to pick up. It directly faces the round pen, so Hubby can sit and watch while I work the horses. Some day the plum tree will provide nice shade for the rock. I spaced the stepping stones with little feet in mind. Big people can just skip some steps.

The small section of picket fence is something I repurposed. A relative brought over a load of stuff to burn and I salvaged half the stuff! This was part of an old gate that was falling apart. I reattached the pickets,spacing them closer together, and wired it up against the electric transformer cover. It looks much nicer than the big green box. Eventually, I'll put sections around the sides too.

This bed will connect with one at the other end of the driveway that runs along the side of the house. I'm shooting for a low-to-no-maintenance landscape. Yeah, there's some weeds to pull, but I lay out my gardens and design the edges so that there's no trimming - just curves that I can mow with the lawn tractor.

Well, since this bed is done, it's on to the big bed out front! UGH!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

little pile of sticks

Since we're heating with wood now, we've had another load of logs delivered. Hopefully this will do us for a couple of years. Trouble is figuring out where to stack it all when we get it cut! Oh, and getting the first log off the top of the pile...