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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oceanic Blog-A-Thon 2010

That's right... it's time for Oceanic Blog-A-Thon 2010, hosted by Crazy Cris over at Here and There and Everywhere, in celebration of World Oceans Day.

Actually, World Oceans Day was June 8th, but better late than never!  Being tied up in the real world, I didn't hear about it early enough to work on a post, but here's a link to last year's post.  I reread it and found it still very relevant.  Cris has lots of new posts for this year, so hop on over and check it out!

With the events unfolding in the Gulf, what better time than now to explore and reflect on this vast watery world.  I would like to wish you all Happy World Oceans Day, but lately, when I think about the oceans, I get really sad...


Al said...

Yes Lily, I've already read your last year's post. It's my first time to join the WOD Blog-A-Thon and I am so proud to be a part of it.

CrazyCris said...

Hey Lily!

Next year I'll be sure to get the announcement for the Blog-A-Thon out a whole month ahead of World Oceans Day instead of just a measly 5 days... sorry! :o(

Thanks for the shout-out anyhow! The more people start thinking about how important our oceans are, the better! ;o)

DJan said...

I'll go read your last year's post, Lily, I participated this year for the first time! Our oceans need everything they can get that help them out. We need them!

Sandy said...

Didn't know such a blog day existed, so I too missed it; but agree with you the situation in The Gulf is very sad. Everyday I hope to hear some good news regarding it; but...the sadness continues.

Sandy's Space

Loui♥ said...

thanks for stopping by..
I will begin posting photos I took during my two week stay in Florida.
please stop by frequently and walk in my shoes...
or better yet barefoot..
the sand makes the loveliest squeaking noise..
unlike any other in the world..
perhaps it's the quartz..
I'm truly sorry you've never experienced our lovely Emerald Coast Beaches..
truly beautiful and spectacular!
warm sandy hugs..

Sniffles and Smiles said...

I'm with you...it is all so very, very heartbreaking...sigh. Love you, Janine XO

Nancy said...

I missed Oceans Day, unfortunately. Moving has taken all extra moments it seems. I feel sad when I think of the oceans, too. It is a very sad time for humanity and the planet they inhabit.

Sheri said...

lily, you are ALWAYS so sweet, to stop by and leave the nicest comments...just knowing you've been there warms my heart! hope your days are filled with the things that you love the most, my friend!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Just checking on you, my dear friend! Sending much love, Janine XO

Shellbelle said...

Hi Lily, sorry I didn't get a chance to comment on your WOD post when you posted. I had something heartbreaking happen later in the day and took some time off.

BUT, I reread your post from last year and you're right, it is still very relevant. When you stated that a "minor spill from a tanker" can kill an ocean last year, did you ever imagine what we would be facing today? You know how I feel about about our oceans and beaches, they've been the cornerstone of my life. If there is one thing that defines me the most, it is my love of the shore. The news is devastating, but I see the photos posted by the Gulf Coast Bloggers everyday, of white sandy beaches and beautiful expanses of blue water and wish that everyone who lives elsewhere could see how they bravely hold on and how devoted they are to saving our precious Gulf and its inhabitants — both human and animal and it gives me hope.

Historical sites with charmine said...

Yes,lily our oceans need to be cared for.

I've got an award for you over at my blog....YOUR blog is heartwarming and that's why I've given you this.Come see.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

A big "hello!" and a hug for you!!! ~Janine xo

Sharon Wagner said...

That's so true. We may not feel like celebrating with the epic oil disaster right now, but it's a good time to raise awareness.

Marla said...

It is so sad, isn't it? I can barely stand to watch the news. It makes my stomach hurt.

Jan Mader said...

It's truly heartbreaking Lily. I read your post from last year...who would have thought...

Sheri said...

hello dear lily!! just stopping by to give you a (((big hug))) and to let you know that you're on my heart! hope you are doing well :)