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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Inside the Farmhouse

Since the weather is cold and snowy, I've been spending most of the time inside working on various projects.  I drew up plans for a new TV table that I want for the living room...

I've wanted to do this for awhile, and since I'm moving the furniture around to shampoo all the carpets, I figured now was the time.  I'll post a picture of it when it's done.

I love making things, big or small.  I think I've mentioned before that I drew up the blueprints for this house.  There are a couple of things I would change, but overall we're satisfied with it.

I recently retaught myself how to knit and crochet.  I didn't know if these old arthritic hands could do it, but it turns out that it's very therapeutic for them!  My hands are more limber and less painful than before!  I barely knew how to knit and crochet years ago, so in the past few weeks, I've advanced beyond where I was then.  Just like my cooking, I rarely follow directions for anything... so don't ask for patterns.  I like to make it up as I go along.

I started with scarves.  Easy.  Then I moved on to hats, learning as I go.  The mistakes are my special touch.  After many requests, I am posting these pics of my yarn projects:

This is the first hat I ever made!
I didn't get a picture of the scarf, but it has matching stripes.  My step-daughter is a Steelers fan.  (We love her anyway.  LOL)  She wanted a scarf in their colors.  I knitted the scarf while Brady was being born!  This head is a little smaller than a woman's head.
This a a ruffled set I made for myself.  It's the one I was wearing in the 'self-portrait while driving' shot.  The hat and scarf are rib-knitted, while the ruffled edge is crocheted.  The scarf is extra long for triple-wrapping!

This is actually purple and yellow.  Lexi asked for this set.  She described the braid & tassel thingy.  I found out before I gave it to her that the style is a short one on each side, so I redid it.

I love this one!  It's not an actual hood... just a scarf with a wide shaped area for your head.  I crocheted this one out of suede yarn.  It was on sale, so this cost $1.98! I can see the grands 'scarfing' this one up.  LOL

                                                                                           I have these two work jackets that I wanted to match.  I found this yarn that goes with both the green and the blue!  I made this one snug around the edge to keep my ears warm around the barn!
My two youngest grandgirls.
Melody's hat is made with double-yarn in the top for extra warmth.  I just crocheted the pink and blue together.  Grace is wearing a bell-shaped cap.  The pompoms looked much better before the girls got hold of them!

Grace requested a matching scarf.  I just finished it.

My bf has a gold wool coat.  I made her this double-yarn reversible hat.  It has a rolled hem for cute, and, flipping it inside-out, it has a head-hugging edge that pulls down below the ears for windy weather.

Even Mr J requested a scarf!  I made him a heavy-duty camouflage scarf for cutting wood.  He stays toasty warm now!

The left-over yarn became pillows for the living room.


Naqvee said...

wow loved everything in this post! wow.. you are so good at things... at times i think why i dont utilize my time?

Lynn said...

These are wonderful....I love the red scarf. I can see why it is a favorite. Never thought to do a matching hat for my work coats but it a super idea.

I recently discovered that I had a lot of hats and plan to do photos. I want your head model. lol

Janean said...


You've been a busy knitting bee! Adore the girl's hats with those huge pom-poms and the gold and black!

CrazyCris said...


I can't decide which is my favourite... I absolutely love the shape and deep red of your ruffled one, loved the idea of the hood/scarf, and think the pastel comibantion of the green/purple/blue is divine!

I tried both knitting and crochet as a kid/teen. Even took some sewing classes. The only thing that ever took with me was embroidery. Cross-point is it? But it came and went in phases. Still have the material from the projects I never started... been in the closet for 15 years. Yikes! Someday I'll start them up again. And maybe this time I'll also learn to knit... I'd love to be able to make my own hats! But if I've got my mother's knack for it... it might take me 5 years to finish a sweater! :p

Rae said...

Egad - you have turned into a knitting machine. They sure are pretty though. Very nicely done. I love those pink ones. Pink is my favorite color. The girls are cute models.

Kim Kasch said...

Love seeing the yarn projects - thanks for sharing.

DJan said...

So while I've been showing my projects on my blog, you have been silently knitting and crocheting up a storm! Fabulous job, Lily! I especially like the hat/scarf you made for yourself. I thought I recognized it...

SquirrelQueen said...

Goodness, you have been a busy bee! It would take me years to get all those done (if I knew how to knit that is). I love the one you did for Lexi with the braid, that is so cute.

Marla said...

Those grandgirls are beautiful!!! Great job on your projects.

Nancy said...

You are so talented! I've been wanting to step up my game of crocheting and then learn to knit. Your hats are amazing. I love the double crochet one on you darling granddaughter.

As for the blueprints, what a great indoor project! Is there nothing you can't do??? :-)

Shellbelle said...

Love all your creations, but both the reds are my favorite, I have a thing for red. I guess I better learn to do this, I think I'll need them in Georgia.

I took both drives with you, your driveway is so long! Mine is about the length of a car. Hopefully that will be changing soon!

Lille Diane said...

You never cease to amaze me!