I found a new blog to follow. The subject is near and dear to me... the plight of the homeless. I think it's such a tragedy, especially in these times of boarded up homes, to have people living in cardboard boxes, or even less. It breaks my heart to think of someone trying to sleep while they are freezing, wondering what danger may lurk just beyond the shadows.
Our goal is to warm homeless by knitting and
crocheting hats, mittens, and scarves for men
living under a bridge here in Central Ohio.
We will also make hats, mittens, scarves
appropriate for women and children who
are cared for in 2 free clinics in the area.
Please check out her blog. I know many of you knit and crochet. What a wonderful gift to be able to give someone... the gift of warmth through the bitter winter weather.
While I'm on the subject... there is an organization near me that I would like to tell you about.
Target: Dayton! Ministries is a church located in downtown Dayton. The primary focus of the ministry is to reach the poor and homeless of Dayton, Ohio for Christ.
I first became aware of their ministry when the Target Choir performed at our church. It was a very moving service. Most of the choir members are the city's homeless, either currently or formerly. It is quite humbling to hear a homeless person speak of the loving grace of God.
Our church is one of many that help support their ministry. Many area churches take their turn at serving the meals provided there. Each of Pastor Mark's services are followed by a meal. The volunteers man the kitchen and serve the food, as well as clean up afterward. Once the food and trash are cleared away, the volunteers are assigned cleaning task for the building. It is amazing to watch Cindi organize the volunteer staff.
The Christmas season is right around the corner. It is the time of year that people think strongly of charity. If you're not already involved in some type of volunteer work, I urge you to do just one thing, one time. It doesn't have to be grand. Dip up some food at a soup kitchen. Mail Sandy a knit hat. Drop off a blanket to a shelter. I've got a feeling you won't stop at one deed. Once you realize that one person really can make a difference, I hope you share the knowledge with others.